Data has an identity problem

Data sits in a awkward space within many companies.

Many companies that aren't clear on what data is for, or what it does for them.

Hence, they have no idea where to put it. 🤷🏽‍♀️

Data is not a traditional business discipline. It hasn't been part of the long standing business structure that the likes of Finance, Marketing and Engineering have (whether hardware or software, Eng. has always been there).

No, data is "new".

It's really only come along in the last 15-20 years or so.

Some digital native companies that have come to exist during that time have been much more successful at incorporating data and benefiting from that - but not all of them. Legacy companies however, have largely failed - miserably.

And they continue to do so.

Data is still largely seen a technical supporting function. Like IT.

The irony of all of this is that no function is better placed to understand the overall business reality and to provide evidence backed recommendations for action than the data function.

Yet, we sit outside the circle.

Pressed by the others for endless "reports" and useless dashboards. (I said it).

Our status as a business partner, strategic participant and revenue generator is completely misunderstood and not capitalised on. We don't have a seat at the top table and companies are missing out on enormous potential benefit.

This is the crux of our identity crisis. We need to shift the narrative.

We ARE a business discipline (with technical components).

If data is the new oil then why are companies digging it up with a spoon?

Group Coaching For Data Leaders

If you're a data and analytics leader wanting to maximise your potential and grow your data career faster than you thought possible, then group coaching might be for you.

The next cohort kicks off in March!!

For more info and to sign up, follow this link:

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